7 Signs Your Dental Crowns are Due for a Replacement


A dental crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. Crowns can be made from various materials, including metal, ceramic, or porcelain. They are usually placed over a tooth that has been damaged by decay or injury. While crowns are designed to last for many years, […]

Dental Aftercare 101: What Foods Can You Eat after Getting Dental Implants?

eating soup

Dental implants are one of the most effective ways to restore the look and function of your smile. They can be used to replace missing teeth, bridge the gaps between teeth, and provide a secure foundation for dentures.  If you’ve recently gotten dental implants, you’re probably wondering what foods you can and can’t eat. After […]

Tooth Abscess: Potential Causes, Signs, and Treatment

woman with toothache

You can have a dental abscess if you have tooth or gum pain and can see pus. The gums and tooth roots are just two parts of the tooth that this mouth infection may impact. Before visiting a dentist in Northampton for mouth discomfort, it’s crucial to understand the following information. What Is an Abscessed […]

Choosing the Best Dental Procedure for Your Uneven Teeth

woman with braces

Smiling and laughing are great ways to show your happiness, but if you have teeth that are not perfectly straight, you might feel self-conscious about them and not want to show them off. Improving the look of your teeth can be achieved through various treatments.  Orthodontic solutions are designed to straighten and balance out your […]

Comparing Wisdom Tooth and Regular Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

It might be intimidating and even frightful to have your wisdom teeth removed. The removal of wisdom teeth is frequently discussed as being significant. In terms of technique, having wisdom teeth removed is very similar to having any molars removed. But a few things could make removing wisdom teeth more difficult or alter the procedure […]

5 Crucial Signs That You Might Need Dental Cleansing

Dental Cleansing

Brushing and flossing your teeth is essential for good oral hygiene. However, this alone is insufficient to keep your teeth free from bacteria buildup. Despite best efforts, bacteria levels can still rise, making it necessary to visit the dentist for a professional cleaning. Bacteria in the mouth are reproducing rapidly and forming tough clumps of […]

5 Biggest Reasons Why You Should Get Tooth Fillings

dentist appointment

The insertion of tooth fillings is one of the most commonly performed procedures by dentists. These materials are used to fill up the holes in your teeth created by cavities. Fillings have been traditionally made out of metal alloys, but composite fillings are becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Fillings help to protect teeth that have already […]

How Do Traditional and Implant-Supported Dentures Differ?


Implant-supported dentures would have a few implants placed in your mouth along with your denture, which would snap onto the implants. This option can provide more stability and comfort than dentures alone. With traditional dentures, a set of false teeth is mounted on a gum-colored base, which is then held in place by suction or […]

Black Tartar on Teeth: What Is It and What Are the Causes?

woman looking in the mirror

Tartar is a hard, calcified substance that forms on the teeth when plaque is not removed. Plaque is a sticky film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. When plaque is not removed, it hardens and turns into tartar. Tartar can form both above and below the gum line and can only be removed by a […]

Dental Health: 6 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Bridges


Our teeth are integral body parts because they allow us to break down food for easier consumption. Conversely, our teeth are also vital for communication because, without teeth, we would not be able to produce certain sounds when speaking. For this reason, everyone is encouraged to take care of their teeth. However, teeth can be […]