
Dental Health: 6 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Bridges

Our teeth are integral body parts because they allow us to break down food for easier consumption. Conversely, our teeth are also vital for communication because, without teeth, we would not be able to produce certain sounds when speaking. For this reason, everyone is encouraged to take care of their teeth.

However, teeth can be vulnerable to damage and decay. When this happens, the teeth become less functional and can even fall out. There are many solutions for this, but none are more effective than dental bridges because they replace missing teeth by bridging the gap between the remaining teeth.  However, many people doubt dental bridges because they are unsure how they work and do not know if the cost is worth it. This is never the case because dental bridges offer many benefits, such as:

#1 – Restores Your Smile

If you miss one or more teeth, you may feel self-conscious about your smile, which is understandable because your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Fortunately, dental bridges can restore your smile by filling in the gaps between your teeth. This will give you the confidence to smile again and make it easier for you to eat and speak.

#2 – Improves Jaw Function

The jaw is designed and structured so that every tooth works together to perform various functions. When you lose a tooth, it can throw everything off balance. This can make it difficult to eat and speak. By getting a dental bridge, you can improve your jaw function and make it easier to eat and speak.

#3 – Prevents Teeth from Shifting

Lost teeth can cause the remaining teeth can shift out of place because there is no longer anything to hold them in place. Dental bridges can help prevent this by filling in the gaps between your teeth. This will help keep your teeth in their proper place and make it easier for you to eat and speak.

#4 – Improves Speech

Our teeth influence how we talk because some sounds are made by placing the tongue against the teeth. When you are missing teeth, it can cause problems with your speech. Dental bridges can help improve your speech by filling in the gaps between your teeth and making it easier to make certain sounds.

#5 – Maintains Your Facial Structure

When you lose teeth, it can cause your face to sag. This is because your teeth help support the skin and muscles around your mouth. When you lose teeth, it can cause your face to sag. This is because your teeth help support the skin and muscles around your mouth. Dental bridges can help support the muscles around your mouth and prevent your face from sagging.

#6 – Prevents Teeth from Becoming Overloaded

Teeth can become overloaded when you eat foods that are hard on your teeth. This can cause your teeth to crack and chip. Dental bridges can help prevent teeth from overload by filling in the gaps between your teeth. This will help distribute the pressure evenly and help prevent your teeth from overloading.

The Cost of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. But, like anything else, they come at a cost. Most dental bridges cost between $2,000 and $5,000, which can be a lot of money for many people.

A few things go into the cost of a dental bridge. For one, the bridge’s material will affect the price. Porcelain bridges are usually more expensive than metal ones. Another consideration is the number of teeth the bridge is replacing because a bridge that replaces one tooth will be cheaper than a bridge that replaces multiple teeth.

Because of this, it’s best to consult your dentist for options. However, some insurance plans cover some of the cost of dental bridges, so be sure to check with your provider to see if they offer any coverage.


Dental bridges are an excellent way to replace missing teeth and restore overall jaw function. Since bridges are permanent, it’s essential to make sure that you take care of them. You should consult your dentist to know if it suits you.

Previously known as Clayton and Canby Dental, Northampton Dental Specialists Group provides top-quality services for cosmetic dentistry in Northampton. We understand the value of oral health, so we offer comprehensive solutions to ensure you get the best quality of care. Visit our website today to request an appointment!

A woman demonstrates a tooth model featuring a dental implant, highlighting its placement and structure.

My Dental Implants Are Great! How Can I Make Them Last Longer?

Tooth loss is one of the most common health problems on Earth, and it can lead to serious issues like malnutrition, indigestion, dental misalignments, oral infections, and the destruction of more teeth. Thankfully, today’s dentists can replace lost teeth with lifelike and functional dental implants that look, work, and feel just like the real thing. Here’s a brief guide to a few positive lifestyle changes you can make to help your new teeth last their longest.

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