Tooth Extraction

Comparing Wisdom Tooth and Regular Tooth Extraction

It might be intimidating and even frightful to have your wisdom teeth removed. The removal of wisdom teeth is frequently discussed as being significant.

In terms of technique, having wisdom teeth removed is very similar to having any molars removed. But a few things could make removing wisdom teeth more difficult or alter the procedure slightly.  

Explaining Wisdom Teeth

There are a few significant ways that wisdom teeth are different from regular adult teeth. Therefore, while getting rid of them may not be entirely different from getting rid of other teeth, there are some things that set wisdom teeth apart. 

The major problem is that the jaw is simply unable to hold them frequently. As a result, a variety of possible issues may arise.

Warning Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

There are various indications that you might think about having your wisdom teeth removed. One or more of these signs may be felt in the back of your mouth:

  • Jaw discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Gums that are bleeding
  • Dark or white patches on wisdom teeth
  • Foul breath
  • Having trouble chewing
  • Inability to open your mouth

Here is an outline of how having your wisdom teeth removed can be different from having other teeth extracted.

No Stand-Ins

Wisdom teeth do not replace former baby teeth, in contrast to the other twenty-eight teeth. Each of your other teeth will emerge when it replaces a baby tooth that was there before. 

This indicates that they are emerging through gum tissue where there were previously no teeth. Although some people don’t notice any discomfort, it is common to feel some discomfort when wisdom teeth erupt.

Large Size

These are some of your largest teeth when they eventually emerge. The term “wisdom teeth” refers to a set of teeth known as molars. The huge flat surface area of the molar’s tooth is intended to help you chew food. 

They are made for biting into food and are bigger than the teeth in the front of your mouth. The root grows larger the bigger the tooth. Larger teeth are harder to extract because of this.


Wisdom teeth typically create more issues than other teeth since they are larger, erupt into a new area, and may not have enough room to fit. They are prone to getting impacted, so there isn’t enough room to push through the gums. This can be uncomfortable and even lead to cysts and other problems.

Additionally, wisdom teeth have the potential to erupt at unnatural angles and harm nearby teeth. When they do, they could be too crowded, leaving you vulnerable to degeneration by trouble adequately cleaning them. 

While these problems are possible with other teeth as well, wisdom teeth experience them much more frequently.

Several Extractions

Usually, just one tooth is impacted when an extraction is needed because of decay or trauma. Many times, more than one tooth needs to be extracted when dealing with wisdom teeth. This is a result of your jaw’s comparatively even symmetry. 

Therefore, if one side of your jaw is too small to accept your wisdom tooth, the opposite side most certainly experiences the same issue. The same condition could affect both your upper and lower jaws, giving you up to four problematic teeth rather than just one.


Recovery from wisdom tooth extractions can be a little more challenging. The likelihood of the process becoming more complicated is one of the causes of this. When a larger tooth is pulled, a larger hole is left behind, which requires more care and healing time. 

Even with several extractions, recovery is still a quick process. Additionally, your dentist will advise you on speedy recovery techniques.

Previously known as Clayton and Canby Dental, Northampton Dental Specialists Group is a trusted dental practice in Northampton. We have more than twenty-five years of experience, and we use the latest technology to provide you with a high-quality, comfortable dental experience. 

Our advanced training in many facets of dentistry allows us to perform most procedures right here in our Northampton, MA, office. Book your dental appointment today.

A woman demonstrates a tooth model featuring a dental implant, highlighting its placement and structure.

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Tooth loss is one of the most common health problems on Earth, and it can lead to serious issues like malnutrition, indigestion, dental misalignments, oral infections, and the destruction of more teeth. Thankfully, today’s dentists can replace lost teeth with lifelike and functional dental implants that look, work, and feel just like the real thing. Here’s a brief guide to a few positive lifestyle changes you can make to help your new teeth last their longest.

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