dentist visit

Life-Saving Measure: What You Need to Know about Oral Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, oral cancer accounts for roughly 3% of all cancers. Although it affects fewer people, it does not lessen its deadliness. We need to undergo the necessary exams to detect malignant cells.   

The dentist can detect oral cancer through a visual examination and particular light sources. If malignant cells are detected, they should be treated immediately to prevent them from spreading to the rest of the body.

Before you run to your nearest dentist, you should learn more about this particular cancer by carefully reading this blog. This knowledge might save your life.

Why You Need Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer usually goes undetected until the cancer is already advanced. According to the American Cancer Society, many patients present advanced cases of oral cancer to their dentists. 

It is therefore essential to undergo regular oral cancer screenings. If caught early, oral cancer is manageable. It can also be cured if treated immediately, so you should visit your dentist asap.  

Remember that the earlier you catch it, the higher the chance of treatment success. American oncologists estimate that 54,000 adults will be diagnosed with cancer. With early detection, you will not become part of this grim statistic.  

What Is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a malignant growth in the mouth, tongue, and throat. Oral cancer is caused when cells in your mouth (including the tongue) are damaged by tobacco, alcohol, and some types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

Oral cancer starts in the deeper layers of your mouth, tongue, or throat. It can be found on the lips and cheeks. The cancer cells grow in the mouth, eventually forming a nodule or a lump. This lump might grow deep into your mouth or throat lining, even reaching the bone.

The cancer cells can also spread to the lymph nodes in your neck. It is when it is considered advanced and has invaded other body parts. Although oral cancer is not common, it is fatal. If the cancer is not detected and treated early, it can spread to other parts of your body.

Decades ago, oral cancer was an untreatable disease. But with recent developments in medical science and technology, there is a chance of eliminating oral cancer.

What Are the Signs of Oral Cancer?

Lumps, swellings, and sores in your mouth that do not go away might be the signs of oral cancer. You should pay close attention to the following:

  • White or red patches in your mouth
  • Lump in mouth or throat
  • Numbness or pain when biting
  • Hoarse voice
  • Bleeding in mouth

Early detection is crucial for oral cancer. If your dentist notices any of these signs, you might undergo further tests. It is best to have oral cancer screenings regularly to prevent the onset of this atrocious disease. It is better to be safe than sorry.


Your dentist will tell you that oral cancer screening is critical. It can detect oral cancer early or prevent it from becoming advanced. You can reduce your chances of getting oral cancer, but you need to undergo frequent screenings. 

If you undergo regular oral cancer screenings, you can detect oral cancer at its earliest stage before it metastasizes. By eliminating oral cancer, you can prevent yourself from a lifetime of pain, suffering, and agony, so help yourself.

If you want to undergo oral cancer screening, you should visit the Northampton Dental Specialists Group, previously known as Clayton and Canby Dental. We have licensed dentists in Northampton and can carry out extensive screening tests. Do not wait another minute, schedule an appointment now!

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